The site is located on the southern side of Poplar Road approximately 150 metres east of Annesley Bridge in Dublin 3. Access to the
site is provided via a laneway off Annesley Place at the southern end of the property. Annesley Bridge connects Fairview to the
north inner City via North Strand. The site has approximately 40 metres frontage directly onto Poplar Row.
The general vicinity is a mix of modern apartment buildings and local shops and
businesses. Tesco, McDonalds, Lidl and Aldi are all within close proximity. Fairview Village and Park are 300 metres north east of the
subject site. The area is well served by public transport with Connelly Station train station and LUAS terminus 1.5 kilometres south.
Dublin Bus provides a number of services connecting Poplar Row with the city centre and surrounding areas.
The site is irregular in shape and extends to approximately 0.35 Acres (0.14 Ha). The existing building comprises of an old
generation industrial type warehouse which was previously in use as a car showroom.
The site will be offered for sale with vacant possession. The site is zoned objective Z4 ‘mixed services’ which permits higher
densities in district centres, particularly those which are well served by public transport.
Under the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 the subject site is zoned objective Z4 “To provide for and improvemixed-services facilities”.